Category Archives: Health

15 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Stressed

Have you mastered stress, or is stress mastering you? Between work deadlines, bills, and family and friend obligations, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. And if it goes on for too long, you’ll find yourself struggling to merely survive instead of thrive. I know firsthand how brutal it can be when you don’t make an effort…

3 Ways to Win the Morning and Save the Day

I am a firm believer in how we start our day determines how the rest of our day goes. If you go to bed late, hit the snooze button multiple times, roll out of bed later than you were supposed to, get stuck in traffic, and then end up being late to work, that’s a…

Want to Remove Stress, Anxiety and Worry?

remove stress

Stress, anxiety and worry are three things that drastically interfere with millions of people unleashing their best work and tapping into their full potential. Some are better than others at minimizing the negative effects that stress, anxiety and worry can have, but at one point or another, all of us will experience some sort of discomfort from…

Your Food Choices Influence Workplace Success

food choices

We rarely associate our meals with workplace performance, but science is now telling us that what we eat has a significant impact. What you have for lunch can make a meaningful difference in your cognitive performance, energy levels and critical decision-making ability. Your food choices ultimately influence your workplace success. Being properly fueled allows you to get the…

Maintain Healthy Habits This Holiday Season

maintain healthy habits

The time is here! Planning parties, shopping for loved ones, an abundance of amazing food, alcohol, and the constant never ending things to do before Christmas and New Years. During this time of the year, the number one question that I always get asked is, “How can I keep my healthy habits during the holiday…